Marwa Houalla

I am a Master's candidate in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. My focus is deeply rooted in web crawling, information retrieval, natural language processing, compilers, and software development.

A significant portion of my work has entailed collaboration with Professor Fabiana Silva. Our research endeavors are grounded in the application of software engineering methodologies to investigate the complex interplay between technology and society.




EECS 497: Human-driven Software Development
Semesters taught: Winter 2024, Spring 2024, Fall 2024
I help students develop an understanding of the human-centered design process and how to apply it to software development.

EECS 281: Data Structures and Algorithms
Semesters taught: Winter 2021, Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Fall 2023
I design exam questions and oversee their grading. I also hold office hours and lead a lab section.

EECS 370: Introduction to Computer Organization
Semesters graded: Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024
I grade assignments covering assembly programming and computer architecture concepts, including pipelining, caches, and virtual memory.


Software Development Engineer, Wayfair, Summer 2023.
I was a developer on a backend team within the pricing technology department.

Software Engineer, T. Rowe Price, Summer 2022.
I primarily focused on site reliability engineering and infrastructure, collaborating closely with the cloud team based in the United Kingdom.


Personal Projects: Operating Systems: Thanks Wenzhao for being a great partner!

Compiler Construction: Thanks Daniel Liu for being a great partner!

Honors Thesis: Web Systems and User Interfaces:


VAPOREON: Validating Accesses to Pointer References during Optimization. Marwa Houalla. Daniel Liu. Wenzhao Qiu. Ammar Ahmed. Repository Link

LinkedIn: A New Frontier for Gender Bias in Hiring Practices - Highest Honors Thesis + EECS Departmental Award. Mentored by Professors Fabiana Silva, Hector Garcia Ramirez, and Doctor David Paoletti. Read the paper.

What predicts employer discrimination? The role of implicit and explicit racial attitudes - Social Science Research Vol 108. Fabiana Silva. Read the paper.


seriously, a huge thanks to everyone who made this possible.
